Special Focus on Formation Control of Unmanned Systems
REVIEW Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 89

A survey on recent progress in control of swarm systems
Zhu, Bing; Xie, Lihua; Han, Duo; Meng, Xiangyu; Teo, Rodney
Sci China Inf Sci, 2017, 60(7): 070201
Keywords: formation; swarm system; consensus; containment; flocking; sensor network
Cite as: Zhu B, Xie L H, Han D, et al. A survey on recent progress in control of swarm systems. Sci China Inf Sci, 2017, 60(7): 070201, doi: 10.1007/s11432-016-9088-2

Special Focus on Formation Control of Unmanned Systems
RESEARCH PAPER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 29

Formation control with disturbance rejection for a class of Lipschitz nonlinear systems
Wang, Chunyan; Zuo, Zongyu; Gong, Qinghai; Ding, Zhengtao
Sci China Inf Sci, 2017, 60(7): 070202
Keywords: multi-agent system; formation control; lipschitz nonlinearity; disturbance rejection
Cite as: Wang C Y, Zuo Z Y, Gong Q H, et al. Formation control with disturbance rejection for a class of Lipschitz nonlinear systems. Sci China Inf Sci, 2017, 60(7): 070202, doi: 10.1007/s11432-016-9125-2

Special Focus on Formation Control of Unmanned Systems
RESEARCH PAPER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 25

Saturated coordinated control of multiple underactuated unmanned surface vehicles over a closed curve
Liu, Lu; Wang, Dan; Peng, Zhouhua; Liu, Hugh H. T.
Sci China Inf Sci, 2017, 60(7): 070203
Keywords: symmetric formation pattern; parameter cyclic pursuit; reduced-order extended state observer; neural network; saturated control
Cite as: Liu L, Wang D, Peng Z H, et al. Saturated coordinated control of multiple underactuated unmanned surface vehicles over a closed curve. Sci China Inf Sci, 2017, 60(7): 070203, doi: 10.1007/s11432-016-9091-8

Special Focus on Formation Control of Unmanned Systems
RESEARCH PAPER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 40

Fault-tolerant cooperative control for multiple UAVs based on sliding mode techniques
Li, Peng; Yu, Xiang; Peng, Xiaoyan; Zheng, Zhiqiang; Zhang, Youmin
Sci China Inf Sci, 2017, 60(7): 070204
Keywords: fault-tolerant cooperative control; unmanned aerial vehicle; actuator faults; finite-time fault accommodation
Cite as: Li P, Yu X, Peng X Y, et al. Fault-tolerant cooperative control for multiple UAVs based on sliding mode techniques. Sci China Inf Sci, 2017, 60(7): 070204, doi: 10.1007/s11432-016-9074-8

Special Focus on Formation Control of Unmanned Systems
RESEARCH PAPER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 44

Simultaneous attack of a stationary target using multiple missiles: a consensus-based approach
Zhou, Jialing; Yang, Jianying; Li, Zhongkui
Sci China Inf Sci, 2017, 60(7): 070205
Keywords: simultaneous attack; consensus problem; cooperative control; distributed control; guidance low design
Cite as: Zhou J L, Yang J Y, Li Z K. Simultaneous attack of a stationary target using multiple missiles: a consensus-based approach. Sci China Inf Sci, 2017, 60(7): 070205, doi: 10.1007/s11432-016-9089-7

Special Focus on Formation Control of Unmanned Systems
RESEARCH PAPER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 14

Keywords: formation control; local coordinate frame; mobile robot; nonholonomic vehicle; velocity constraint
Cite as: Yu X, Liu L. Leader-follower formation of vehicles with velocity constraints and local coordinate frames. Sci China Inf Sci, 2017, 60(7): 070206, doi: 10.1007/s11432-016-9094-1

Special Focus on Formation Control of Unmanned Systems
HIGHLIGHT Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 10

Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicles; cooperative formation control; adaptive control; tight formation; vortices effect
Cite as: Wang Y, Wang D B. Tight formation control of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles through an adaptive control method. Sci China Inf Sci, 2017, 60(7): 070207, doi: 10.1007/s11432-016-9092-y