Special Focus on Distributed Storage Coding
EDITORIAL Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 2

Special focus on distributed storage coding
Tang, Xiaohu; Xia, Shu-Tao; Tian, Chao; Huang, Qin; Xia, Xiang-Gen
Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(10): 100300
Cite as: Tang X H, Xia S-T, Tian C, et al. Special focus on distributed storage coding. Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(10): 100300, doi: 10.1007/s11432-018-9550-y

Special Focus on Distributed Storage Coding
REVIEW Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 106

Erasure coding for distributed storage: an overview
Balaji, S. B.; Krishnan, M. Nikhil; Vajha, Myna; Ramkumar, Vinayak; Sasidharan, Birenjith; Kumar, P. Vijay
Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(10): 100301
Keywords: distributed storage; regenerating codes; locally recoverable codes; codes with locality; erasure codes; node repair
Cite as: Balaji S B, Krishnan M N, Vajha M, et al. Erasure coding for distributed storage: an overview. Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(10): 100301, doi: 10.1007/s11432-018-9482-6

Special Focus on Distributed Storage Coding
RESEARCH PAPER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 9

A class of binary MDS array codes with asymptotically weak-optimal repair
Hou, Hanxu; Han, Yunghsiang S.
Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(10): 100302
Keywords: mds codes; binary mds array codes; optimal repair; encoding matrix; asymptotically weak-optimal repair
Cite as: Hou H X, Han Y S. A class of binary MDS array codes with asymptotically weak-optimal repair. Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(10): 100302, doi: 10.1007/s11432-018-9485-7

Special Focus on Distributed Storage Coding
RESEARCH PAPER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 1

Storage and repair bandwidth tradeoff for distributed storage systems with clusters and separate nodes
Wang, Jingzhao; Wang, Tinghan; Luo, Yuan
Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(10): 100303
Keywords: distributed storage system; cluster; separate node; repair bandwidth; communication cost
Cite as: Wang J Z, Wang T H, Luo Y. Storage and repair bandwidth tradeoff for distributed storage systems with clusters and separate nodes. Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(10): 100303, doi: 10.1007/s11432-018-9499-0

Special Focus on Distributed Storage Coding
RESEARCH PAPER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 2

Code constructions for multi-node exact repair in distributed storage
Zorgui, Marwen; Wang, Zhiying
Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(10): 100304
Keywords: regenerating codes; exact repair; multiple failures; interior points; steiner systems
Cite as: Zorgui M, Wang Z Y. Code constructions for multi-node exact repair in distributed storage. Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(10): 100304, doi: 10.1007/s11432-018-9516-6

Special Focus on Distributed Storage Coding
RESEARCH PAPER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 0

Gray codes over certain run-length sequences for local rank modulation
Wang, Xiang; Fu, Fang-Wei
Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(10): 100305
Keywords: flash memory; local rank modulation; gray codes; rank modulation; run-length sequences
Cite as: Wang X, Fu F-W. Gray codes over certain run-length sequences for local rank modulation. Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(10): 100305, doi: 10.1007/s11432-018-9509-y

Special Focus on Distributed Storage Coding
RESEARCH PAPER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 8

Keywords: private information retrieval; sub-packetization; access number; distributed storage; mds code
Cite as: Xu J K, Zhang Z F. On sub-packetization and access number of capacity-achieving PIR schemes for MDS coded non-colluding servers. Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(10): 100306, doi: 10.1007/s11432-018-9538-4

Special Focus on Distributed Storage Coding
RESEARCH PAPER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 0

New results on multilevel diversity coding with secure regeneration
Shao, Shuo; Liu, Tie; Tian, Chao; Shen, Cong
Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(10): 100307
Keywords: distributed storage; regenerating code; exact repair; secrecy constraint; mbr point
Cite as: Shao S, Liu T, Tian C, et al. New results on multilevel diversity coding with secure regeneration. Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(10): 100307, doi: 10.1007/s11432-018-9517-9