Special Focus on Driver Automation Collaboration and Augmentation in Automated Driving
RESEARCH PAPER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 18

Driver-automation shared steering control for highly automated vehicles
Liu, Jun; Guo, Hongyan; Song, Linhuan; Dai, Qikun; Chen, Hong
Sci China Inf Sci, 2020, 63(9): 190201
Keywords: shared steering control; moving horizon optimization; hazard evaluation; intelligent vehicle; safe envelope
Cite as: Liu J, Guo H Y, Song L H, et al. Driver-automation shared steering control for highly automated vehicles. Sci China Inf Sci, 2020, 63(9): 190201, doi: 10.1007/s11432-019-2987-x

Special Focus on Driver Automation Collaboration and Augmentation in Automated Driving
RESEARCH PAPER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 3

Investigating the dynamic memory effect of human drivers via ON-LSTM
Dai, Shengzhe; Li, Zhiheng; Li, Li; Cao, Dongpu; Dai, Xingyuan; Lin, Yilun
Sci China Inf Sci, 2020, 63(9): 190202
Keywords: driving behavior; memory effect; trajectory prediction; historical information; on-lstm
Cite as: Dai S Z, Li Z H, Li L, et al. Investigating the dynamic memory effect of human drivers via ON-LSTM. Sci China Inf Sci, 2020, 63(9): 190202, doi: 10.1007/s11432-019-2844-3

Special Focus on Driver Automation Collaboration and Augmentation in Automated Driving
RESEARCH PAPER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 31

A probabilistic risk assessment framework considering lane-changing behavior interaction
Huang, Heye; Wang, Jianqiang; Fei, Cong; Zheng, Xunjia; Yang, Yibin; Liu, Jinxin; Wu, Xiangbin; Xu, Qing
Sci China Inf Sci, 2020, 63(9): 190203
Keywords: behavior probability; risk assessment; intention identification; lstm; driving safety field
Cite as: Huang H Y, Wang J Q, Fei C, et al. A probabilistic risk assessment framework considering lane-changing behavior interaction. Sci China Inf Sci, 2020, 63(9): 190203, doi: 10.1007/s11432-019-2983-0

Special Focus on Driver Automation Collaboration and Augmentation in Automated Driving
RESEARCH PAPER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 13

Data-driven optimal cooperative adaptive cruise control of heterogeneous vehicle platoons with unknown dynamics
Song, Xiulan; Ding, Feng; Xiao, Feng; He, Defeng
Sci China Inf Sci, 2020, 63(9): 190204
Keywords: vehicle platoons; cooperative adaptive cruise control; optimal control; data-driven control; string stability
Cite as: Song X L, Ding F, Xiao F, et al. Data-driven optimal cooperative adaptive cruise control of heterogeneous vehicle platoons with unknown dynamics. Sci China Inf Sci, 2020, 63(9): 190204, doi: 10.1007/s11432-019-2945-0

Special Focus on Driver Automation Collaboration and Augmentation in Automated Driving
LETTER Webpage Webpage-cn SpringerLink Google Scholar Cited in SCI: 13

Investigating long-term vehicle speed prediction based on GA-BP algorithms and the road-traffic environment
Li, Yufang; Ren, Chen; Zhao, Hongwei; Chen, Guoping
Sci China Inf Sci, 2020, 63(9): 190205
Keywords: long-term speed prediction; road-traffic environment; characteristic parameters description; ga-bp network; modeling
Cite as: Li Y F, Ren C, Zhao H W, et al. Investigating long-term vehicle speed prediction based on GA-BP algorithms and the road-traffic environment. Sci China Inf Sci, 2020, 63(9): 190205, doi: 10.1007/s11432-019-2792-9