Cloud based 3D printing service platform for personalized manufacturing
Zhang, Lin; Luo, Xiao; Ren, Lei; Mai, Jingeng; Pan, Fan; Zhao, Zhen; Li, Bing
Sci China Inf Sci, 2020, 63(2): 124201
Recently, the rapid development of 3D printing technology and continuous breakthroughs in new material technology has increased the application of 3D printing in a wide range of fields, such as automobile industry, medical treatment, education, and food industry. Nowadays, several 3D printing companies use additive manufacturing (AM) to produce new product prototypes rapidly. For example, according to the Wohlers Report 2018, the global AM sector has grown at an annual average rate of 24.9% from 2013 to 2017, and the industry's total value was $7.34-billion in 2017. 3D printing facilitates the automation of rapid prototyping and product customization. Compared with traditional production methods, manufacturing companies that use 3D printing technology for customized production must improve their flexibility and agility to meet the new challenges of intelligent manufacturing to the 3D printing industry.