Bowel sound recognition using SVM classification in a wearable health monitoring system
Yin, Yue; Jiang, Hanjun; Feng, Shulin; Liu, Juzheng; Chen, Ping; Zhu, Binjie; Wang, Zhihua
Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(8): 084301
Intestinal motility (IM) assessment, which is used in many clinical applications, monitors bowel sounds (BSs) to diagnose digestive tract activity in real time and validate post-operative ileus. For patients with IM problems, effective BS monitoring is helpful for health evaluation and early-nursing assessments, resulting in reduced in-hospital time, resource utilization and operational costs. However, IM monitoring and recognition procedures typically rely on subjective and time-consuming auscultation by stethoscope, which can delay diagnosis. Automatic BS event recognition and IM evaluation would enable more effective healthcare in clinical applications, in which the key step in BS processing is the precise appearance recognition and location of each BS event.